Help us improve diagnostic safety!
September 17 is World Patient Safety Day and this year's theme is "Engaging Patients for Patient Safety." In light of World Patient Safety Day, the Patient Partnered Diagnostic Center of Excellence (PPDCE) would like to learn more about what people think when they hear terms like "patient engagement" and “diagnostic safety”. We also want to know what patient engagement in diagnostic safety looks like to patients, families, and healthcare professionals.
Take the survey here:
Taking part in this survey is voluntary. By completing it and providing feedback, you imply your consent to participate. Your answers are confidential, and no individual information about you will be included in any reports, presentations, or publications about this research. You can decide to withdraw at any time for any reason.
For more information about this project contact: Kristen Miller DrPH, MSPH, MSL, CPPS (email): Kristen.E.Miller@medstar.net.
Thank you for contributing your insights to this important work!